Thursday, December 3, 2009

Take Two

This really is take two for me.

Take two of what? Well for the second time, in a rather short time, I'm pregnant.

The first time was a little unexpected but I still wanted that baby with all my heart. Sadly the pregnancy ended just as soon as it began. I was heart broken but knew that I wanted to try again and soon. Originally I thought I would waited a month and then try for another baby. But there were other plans in mind for me.

On Sunday November 30, 2009 I got my second positive pregnancy test a little over a month after my first. I knew that it was a new pregnancy since my hormones had dropped below a two during my miscarriage. Sure enough when I got my first hCG numbers back on Monday December 1st they were 33. That is a good number for early pregnancy but I still had to see if they were rising or not. Wednesday December 2nd I went in for my second round of betas, it is supposed to double in about a 42 hour window. I was at work so I had my mother harassing the doctor's office. At 3:20 I got this text "71 today!!!" I was so happy to see those numbers had doubled.

So right now I'm waiting anxiously for my first appointment on December 28 at 2:20. It seems like forever away but I'm really trying to just take one day at a time. Everyday I am pregnant is a blessing.

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