I absolutely loooooveeee October. Anyone who doesn't love fall and Halloween is just NUTS!
Pretty much the last 3 months of the year rock! Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas make for the most awesome season to exist. Of course I plan to take this opportunity to
force encourage my children to feel the same way.
This year for Halloween I will be escorting a princess, Superman and a lion in their candy escapades. Also, seriously, what other time of year is it acceptable to dangle your children in front of strangers for candy, knowing full well they will get maybe like 1/4 of it. While you, on the other hand, will have to try
everything to make sure its not poison and also to save them from too many sweets.
But while I have no pictures of the costumes yet (look for those on November 1) I do have some fun shots of them in their Halloween themed clothes.
Okay so we're going to pretend my vacuum did
not make the guest appearance. For the record, I have no clue why my kids were playing peek-a-boo from behind the vacuum.