Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I have my cloth diaper order ready to go!

I'll be putting it through tomorrow but I went through today and decided what I'm getting.

I'm ordering through CottonBabies, because they came recommended on a cloth diaper board I have been lurking on lately and also they have FREE shipping to the contiguous United States.

My list that I'm getting this order. All together it will cost me $128.10

36 Indian Prefolds in regular size
24 Flannel baby wipes
2 Bummis Whisper Wrap in Medium in Bloom & Flower

2 Flip One Size Cover - Sweet & Zinnia

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Carl got me thinking

And for once it wasn't about how best to kill him and make it look like an accident.

As we were taking out the trash last night he said "Our society is disgusting with how much waist we produce." He was talking about us, you, and everyone else in the world.

I can't really step on a soap box. We're guilty. But we want to make a change in that, a because I want my children perhaps my grandchildren to have a clean Earth. I read a study after I got thinking. Each American produces about 230 million tons of refuse a year. Did you know disposable diapers make up 3% of that? Or those Styrofoam trays catching the blood from your meat, egg cartons? Another 3%.

We want to take our own steps to help reduce our foot print. I'll be the first to admit our '92 Buick isn't helping with its gas guzzling ways. We can't help that until we can afford a new car. But I can help the fact my kid goes through  7 disposable diapers a day at the bare minimum. I can buy her cloth diapers. What about the catch trays? We can go to a local meat market instead of the super market. As for the Buick we do plan to get a new car soon but also we want to start walking to places as much as we can. It is slightly difficult but worth a try. We still have to drive but hopefully not as much.

We also plan to stop using paper towels but instead old shirts for messes and cute little cotton hand towels for drying our hands.

Another thing I would like to do is stop being a slave to fisher price. I feel my daughter needs that $$$ whatever that talks and sings her alphabet.  Why do I need that toy? I can sing to her, I can teach her letters, numbers, colors, and shapes all by myself.

We also spend a lot on clothing. I can sew so I plan to try to sew some clothing for the little miss, perhaps my self and Carl.

Our plan is to start phasing these things in slowly and hopefully find new things on the way. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm going to fall asleep right here

See going to take a nap while the princess is napping is pointless. I get 30 minute naps out of her. Which is barely enough time for me to lay down -sigh-

I'm exhausted. Carl is at work so I'm peeling my eyes open. I'm trying to behave and not live off of caffeine this pregnancy. I'm going to bed at 8... no I wont I'll stay up until 10:30 and get very little sleep again.

Yeah I hear her highness beckoning me.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm getting lazy

Yay its February... I'm so sick of winter.
There was literally one piece of sheet ice covering my entire car this morning. Not to mention it was plowed into the parking spot.

Sophie is doing great, she's currently snoozing in her swing which she is too big for, don't judge it's the only way i can get her to nap. She can sit without support now, you just have to convince her it's fun.

Also I'm 14 weeks pregnant. Nubbin is growing well, I may or may not have bought a fetal doppler online when I was knocked up with Sophie. I still may or may not use it every other day to listen to Nubbin's heart beat.

We're going to look at a new apartment Monday morning. It has 2 bedrooms, I plan on making the babies share. And there is a laundry machine on site, also there is an elevator. Seriously an ELEVATOR! I live right now on the 4th floor of a walk up and I die every time I have to leave or come home.

 Also once we move I finally get to achieve my goal. I get to cloth diaper! I'm so excited I can't wait.